
Many years ago I discovered the reality that exercising is an effort. 

As a yoga teacher you would think I love to move, but in reality if I could take a pill and sit on my ass and contemplate life all day long, I would. 

I am grateful no one has invented the exercise pill yet because it forces me to actually do something in my body. 

While I am grateful for the influence asana has had in my life I am not one of those that can get on my mat everyday. I need diversity. 

Yesterday while visiting in Los Angeles I headed to a local YMCA for a Zumba class.

Myself and seven women rocked it out to amazing latin inspired music for 45 minutes.

How could anyone resist moving when its so much damn fun! And MEN where are you? Come get your sweat on!

And that is the key,  from swimming, biking, and tennis, to hiking, yoga, and zumba JOY is the driving force behind my inspiration for movement, and for that I am eternally grateful. 

I stopped exercising a long time ago and instead started moving my body while having fun! 
