
I spent the last week with my family from Florida who is visiting Los Angeles. 

I love hanging out with my younger siblings as they help me to remember to have fun and take time off to play.

When I got back home yesterday I felt my mood shift as I was entering the reality of my 'real world' once more. 

As I noticed a slight dip in my feeling state I decided to take a moment to honor all that I am grateful for, as I know from past experience it always works to help me put everything in perspective. 

When I begin to generate my list I am always amazed at how much abundance I have in my life.

I am grateful family, sunshine, clean air, creative freedom, the plants in my room, nourishing food, close friendships, my car, financial stability, my love for writing, my pillow, the rapid way my body heals, love, connection, teaching, being in nature, writing, dancing, dance music, riding my bike, going for a run, my little nephew, video games with my younger brother, pool time, and so much more! 

What are you grateful for today? 
