
Over the last several months and the next upcoming months I am spending much more time on planes than usual. 

While spending hours on end at 35,000 feet is not my favorite activity I do appreciate the space I feel while being in the air and the random conversations that sometimes unfold. 

On my recent flight from Houston to San Diego I sat next to a very sweet 25 year old man. We chatted about yoga, work, relationships, God, spirituality, and so much more. 

It was a very nourishing conversation yet what struck me most was one of the last questions he proposed. 

As the plane began its initial decent into San Diego, Mike asked me 'What's waiting for you at home?'

For a moment my mind went into the narrow spiral that nothing is waiting for me. I go home to my room, no partner, no consistent work to wake up to in the morning, no super glue connection to San Diego as home. 

I then took a deep breath and reset the question. What is waiting for me at home?

I was being picked up by my dear friend Steve from the airport, I have a lunch date with my friend Katie on Friday and dinner plans with sweet friends in the evening, I am getting a nourishing massage Thursday, I have freedom and space to fulfill my creativity, I head to Los Angeles to see my sister, brother-in-law, nephew and my mom who is visiting from Israel on Sunday, I have sun, quiet, clean water, fresh air and so much possibility. 

I am grateful that I have so much in the place I live in for now and while I will cherish the day I am in intimate relationship once again, I am grateful in knowing that home is composed of much more than just one person, one event, or one quality.

It is a community of so many facets that I hope is always waiting for me when I return back home.  
