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Nutrition & Health


Ginger Baby!


On the last couple of days of my trip in Israel my stomach was giving me a bit of trouble.

Besides other supports like eating mostly simple cooked foods, taking some oregano oil,  and adding in probiotics, I started putting ginger in my morning smoothie once I returned home.

I always have ginger in my freezer, but I'll be honest, I seldom use it.  

I'm lazy to cut it and peel the skin--even though it literally takes 10 seconds. Yes even when frozen its still easy to cut. 

Well, the good news is that I have fallen back in love. Not only is the taste of this beautiful yellow root a wonderful addition to my blueberries and cranberries, its a powerhouse of nutritional potency. 

No wonder, it's the cousin of a smiler looking root colored orange. Turmeric stop stealing all the spotlight! 

Here is why ginger is a root you might want to use more often:

  • Helps relive motion sickness including dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.
  • Is a potent anti-inflammatory due to compounds called gingerols and can help reduce pain for those suffering from osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. 
  • Has potent antioxidants which have been shown to kill ovarian cancer cells by inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death) and autophagocytosis (self-digestion).
  • Zingerone another compound found in the root has shown to have protective benefits against radiation. 
  • It helps with blood sugar imbalances by increasing insulin release and sensitivity. 
  • Contains a metabolism boosting substance which helps the body burn stored up fat and improve overall metabolism.
  • Gives enhanced protection against respiratory viruses. 

So what are you waiting for? Throw some ginger in your smoothie, grate it into a coconut oil and tamari stir fry, use it next time you bake a healthy sweet treat, make warm tea, cook a ginger carrot soup--yum, or use it in a marinade for fish (garlic, grated ginger, chopped jalapeño, cilantro, white wine, tamari, and unrefined sesame oil blended together).



Easy Sauce


If you ever visit Israel, one of the most memorable aspects of this little country is the farmer's market style fruits and veggies found everywhere.

Tasty, fresh, and very nutritious!

One morning during my visit I went for a run in the hot sun filled landscape. On my return I was caving something cooling and fresh.

While I love juice, I am sensitive to sugar and prefer to get my fiber when consuming fruit.

I decided to experiment by blending one red apple, one plum, half a lemon juiced, and 1/4 cup of water all together.  

What came out was raw apple sauce, sweet with a bit of tang. Absolutely delicious.

According to Michael Greger M.D. apples can help reduce breast, oral, colon, and ovarian cancer--but keep the peel on! Apples seem to be full of antioxidants, are antimutagenic, anti-inflammatory, and help bolster the immune system. 

Apples are now in their harvest season so stock up and make raw (or if you wish cook and can) sauce. 



Arab-Israeli Salad


War is a terrible thing, which tends to create even more distance, fear, and hate between people, who at the end of the day are simply people. 

Food is a wonderful thing, which tends to bring people together to celebrate, replenish, and take part in nature's bounty. 

I've always found it interesting that what is called an Israeli salad is also known as an Arab salad. 

The base ingredients of tomatoes, persian cucumbers, olive oil, lemon, salt (use sea salt please), pepper and either parsley, mint or both are the same (at times I add a bit of flare with red or yellow bell peppers, pitted green olives, middle eastern pickles (easy to find at any Israeli or Arab store), and heat of palm).

Simple, cooling, hydrating, alkalizing, and extremely tasty. 

So stop fighting, make peace, remember we are all composed out of the same stardust, and have some Arab-Israeli Salad. 



Thyroid Troubles


At a recent short talk on the basics of nutrition I asked how many people know someone with a thyroid problem.

Out of 20 people about 13 raised their hands. 

The thyroid is a complex arena and as usual it seems that conventional medicine is slightly behind the times. 

Here are some key points from Mary Shomon who has been writing and guiding people on holistic thyroid care since 1995:

  • Women are affected eight to ten times more than men often during or after pregnancy, pre-menopause and menopause 
  • Symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, hair loss, depression, and sudden weight gain despite healthy eating and consistent movement
  • Thyroid testing is not part of an annual physical, you have to ask for it
  • TSH is the most commonly used test for the Thyroid but doesn't provide a complete picture of thyroid health
  • It is vital to utilize several tests (Free T3  Triiodothyronine & thyroid antibody handle for autoimmune disease) get a number result, and understand the range of what is healthy, what is borderline, and what is unhealthy
  • Thyroid disorders are often linked to autoimmune disorders 
  • To reduce chances of triggering an autoimmune disorder it is vital to eat an anti-inflammatory diet, be mindful of external toxins, and keep stress in check
  • The thyroid is part of the endocrine system and can be effected by malfunctions in other parts the body like sex hormones, adrenal glands, digestive process, and immune system
  • Additional clues your thyroid is out of balance include irregularity in thyroid shape, very slow or very quick reflexes, puffiness under the eyes or swelling of hands/feet, unusually low blood pressure, and thinning outer edge of the eyebrows
  • It is important to find out if there is a family history of thyroid troubles as this increases risk

If hypothyroidism is present what are some effective strategies to support the thyroid gland?

  • Some degree of medication for a temporary time
  • Ensure iodine is not too high or not too low
  • Make sure cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, kale, spinach, and cauliflower are steamed or cooked well as in their raw form they slow down the thyroid
  • Manage stress
  • Reduce inflammatory foods like sugar, gluten, and overly processed junk
  • Create a movement routine which doesn't exhaust and helps shed the pounds while keeping the body relaxed
  • Explore additional supplements like vitamin D, B complex, and selenium

If the thyroid is malfunctioning it can create an immense amount of havoc for the body.

If you have thyroid troubles read more and get educated @ 



Wholesome Whey


One of my main nutrition principles is moderation and rotation so after some time using a plant based protein powder I decided to experiment with whey. 

To my surprise it seems that I have been living in dark ages as every other person I talked to was already consuming whey protein. 

Even some holistic practitioners that don't advocate the use of dairy approve of the benefits of of this magical white powder. 

As usual in our wonderfully advanced culture most people consuming whey protein don't think twice about where their product comes from and as a result are using a denatured product full of unnecessary synthetic additives, heavy metals, and chemical detergents. 

In addition, it is vital to avoid whey protein isolate a similarly processed product like soy protein isolate, both or which are created in a lab. 

The bottom line is that the quality of the protein is going to depend on the how the cow is being fed, treated, and milked. 

A factory farm cow is full of stress hormones, consumes soy and corn, given antibiotics, and is over milked. 

A grass-fed cow is out on pasture, gets sun, and is less stressed.

It is also important to note that per the FDA, all powdered dairy products must undergo some level of pastuerization to be sold.

Any product that claims to be fully RAW is not telling the whole truth. 

This means that its up to the company selling whether they take extra steps to ensure low temperature pasteurization to maintain the full range of biologically active proteins that carry the benefits of whey. 

So now that we have quality down what is all the hype about?

  • Provides the body the building blocks for glutathione--a top notch antioxidant in the body which acts like sticky fly paper and helps remove free radicals and some heavy metals.  
  • It's a clean source of high quality protein to help boost energy levels. 
  • Supports better blood sugar regulation. 
  • Helps boost immune system functionality.
  • Supports healthy muscle building. 
  • Is a potent source of amino acids. 

With high quality as the first guiding principle here are a few brands committed to wholesome whey. 





Strawberry Water Splash

Delusion is a necessary part of life as knowing everything all at once would be a bit overwhelming. 

In a way deceiving ourselves in certain situations actually protects our sanity. 

On the other hand, living in fantasy can also create problems as we base our actions on preconceived notions that we think add up in a particular way but in reality don't. 

In the world of food it is easy to be deceived as a large part of food marketing is intended to confuse consumers. 

The other day I ran into an acquaintance at the grocery store and I noticed he had conventional strawberries in his cart. 

Now if I were a normal human being I would have kept my mouth shut. But alas, I'm not, I couldn't resist informing him that strawberries are one of the most sprayed fruits (# 2 on the Dirty Dozen list by EWG)

The next thing he said was were delusion comes in. "But I wash them." 

Believe it or not this is not an uncommon fantasy that understandably makes people feel better and more protected. 

But sadly this is where reality begins to pop the bubble. All the fruits and veggies where thoroughly washed before pesticide levels where measured. 

Moreover, strawberries in particular grow close to the soil and have many fans in the insect world so they are heavily treated with an aggressive regiment of chemicals.  

While it might make us feel cozy to believe washing harsh pesticides makes them clean, living in this delusion has consequences.

The majority of debilitating western diseases are linked to environmental toxicity--a large amount of which we are exposed to through our food. 

Yes, it will cost you a bit more $ in the short run to go organic with the most toxic fruits and veggies, but I would bet my savings account it will save you from heartache and cash in the long run. 

Study the list from above. Buy organic where its most important. Save $ with the clean produce. Create a win/win.

Stop the least a little.  





Over the last several days I have been spending time and supporting a friend who has been extremely down after a breakup. 

Depression is something that runs in my family so I have had plenty of experience with down times.

If you've ever been extremely blue you know the struggle. Feeling helpless, powerless, unmotivated, stuck, frustrated, sad, alone, and wondering when it will end. 

While in some situations antidepressants are an important tool, too often the power of specific life rituals and nutritional therapies are underestimated and underutilized.

Furthermore many mood stabilizing drugs take 4-6 weeks to kick in so its important to have other tools to work with during down times.

Here are a few things I have learned from years of experience and research with down days:

  • Eat Clean: Refined sugars, chemical additives , and processed junk all impact the brain adversely. Stick with clean whole foods. In addition avoid over-consuming Omega 6 oils--soy, sunflower, and corn being the highest--as they cause inflammation and effect the brain negatively.   
  • Supplement Right: It is key to give your brain nutrients that help stabilize mood. Vitamin D (2-5,000 IU daily), Omega 3's (1-2,000 mg daily fish oil), and a B-Vitmain complex that includes B12, 6, and folic acid. In addition, according to Dr. Weil  "SAMe (S-adenosy-L-methionine) promotes brain function and can support depression. Use only the butanedisulfonate form in enteric-coated tablets, or in capsules. Try 400-1,600 mg a day on an empty stomach."
  • Ensure High Quality Protein: Especially if you are a vegan or vegetarian low mood can be related to not enough protein. Read more here. 

  • Mellow your Inflammation: The brains (and consequently guts) of depressed people often show signs of inflammation which often occurs due to processed foods and common allergens like gluten or dairy. Explore an elimination diet and enact protocols to repair your gut. 
  • Move It: Cardio based movement for 45min four days a week is key to release endorphins and helps stimulate BDNF a natural mood enhancer in the brain. Read more about BDNF.

  • Schedule Up: Every Sunday plan out your week. Schedule your movement times, social engagements--even if you don't feeling like seeing people it is vital to not isolate--and plan times for cooking food. Having a plan will ensure you avoid too many pockets free space where you can overthink your situation. 
  • Get a Check Up: Sometimes depression/fatigue can be exasperated or caused by hypothyroidism, heavy metal toxicity, or iron deficiency. 
  • Journal Daily: When we feel down its important to journal and catharsize the cyclone of thoughts in the mind. Even if you don't feel great about your life take time to include some gratitude in your journalling. It can be small being grateful for the sun, breath, a piece of fruit, love of friends and family, water, etc. 
  • Spend time in Nature: Many studies have shown that being in nature for as little as 20 minutes can serve to relieve mild to medium depressive symptoms. Buy yourself flowers and plants, spend time in a park, or invite a friend to go for a hike.  
  • Talk to Someone: Talk therapy serves as an important tool in down moods as it provides a chance to speak to someone outside of your life circle and to share what is present for you with a caring invested listener. 
  • Take An Herb: St. John's Wort has been clinically proven to help enhance mood in depressed people. Take 300 mg  three times daily. The herb can take 4-6 weeks to take effect and it is vital not to take it if you are on birth control pills or antidepressants especially SSRIs. 
  • Get Poked: Acupuncture has been shown to enhance mood and support overall vitality especially during down times. 
  • Laugh: Even though you might not feel like it put on a stand up comedian, go to a comedy show, or watch a funny movie, laughter improves mood. 
  • Clean Up: Cleaning is extremely therapeutic as often depression is coupled with a lack of motivation. Organizing and cleaning will provide a sense of purpose, accomplishment, and energetically will make your living space feel more habitable. 

While this list might seem overwhelming choose a few rituals to explore and implement every day. Particularly with the daunting feeling of depression it is the simplest small baby steps that add up and make a huge difference!



Mercury Detox


A few posts ago I wrote about Malicious Mercury and its detrimental effects on health and vitality. 

Today with my mercury amalgam fillings removed from my mouth its time to initiate a detox to remove this toxic waste once and for all. 

While I have always read about the effects of mercury, I was surprised that the first 3 days after getting my fillings out I felt like I had chronic fatigue. 

I was taking my basic herbs, moving my body, eating well but I just couldn't muster any energy. My eyes where hurting which in Traditional Chinese Medicine correlates to the liver. All of this even after my Biological Dentist took every precaution to minimize my exposure.  

When it comes to cleansing from mercury it it important to remember that this is not a small task, and while you can incorporate some of these rituals, to be truly effective consider working with an informed alternative health practitioner. 

If you are curious at getting a baseline reading of your mercury levels refer to the previous post for testing information. 

When it comes to detoxification it is important to remember that the body is a very intelligent instrument. Assuming you are not dealing with a genetic deficiency that makes it more difficult for your body to produce glutathione, your body will be able to cleanse well but still need some added support.

Prep Time: before you invite mercury to come out of its hiding places in the fat tissues its vital to prep the body for the cleanse. Remember that the way the body will eliminate heavy metals is through your liver, kidneys and gut so all 3 have to be primed and ready to go. Prep for 2-3 months before moving into a full detox.  

  • Elimante all foods that trigger inflammation in your system including sugar, dairy, gluten, processed foods, refined oils and corn. Only consume high quality eggs and low mercury fish like sardines or anchovies for protein. 
  • Utilize healthy fats like Krill (omega 3), olive, avocado, coconut oil and ghee.  
  • Incorporate more zinc and selenium which will help in the detox.
  • Take a B Vitamin supplement.
  • Increase sulfur containing foods like broccoli, collards, kale, daikon radish, garlic, onions, and omega-3 eggs.
  • Take a probiotic supplement twice daily. 
  • Increase your intake of fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi.
  • Eat more endives and drink lemon water to prep the kidneys. 

One Week: before you get started begin to incorporate a few more steps to the ones above

Go Time: its time to coax mercury to come out and stay out. Here there are several options to play with, again consider consulting a health practitioner to make sure you are well informed. Make sure to continue all of the above steps as you implement the following. 

  • Take a product called Bio-Chelat it claims to not have any potential side effects sometimes found with DMSA (DMSA should only be used under the supervision of a health care provider) and works a bit slower which reduces the risk of mercury reabsorption to sensitive brain tissues.
  • Continue your saunas to 3-5x a week.
  • Make and consume cilantro pesto 5x a week.
  • Take chlorella tablets.
  • Drink ample filtered water to ensure urine is clear. 
  • Ensure you have two bowel movements a day 
  • Take more vitamin B and consider taking concentrated form of Lypo-Spheric vitamin C to help the detox be more effective.
While you are engaging in the detox know that it is normal to feel foggy, low energy, and irritable.
After the process is complete continue many of the rituals from prep time and slowly integrate other foods back  in. 
Notice if you feel any difference in joint pain, fogginess, and overall energy. 
If you want to read further checkout these article by Dr. Hyman and Dr. Mercola as well as doing your own research. 
*Many of the links in the post will take you to PureFormulas a cheaper place to buy supplements. Find current discount codes to use with your order at



Malicious Mercury


Over the last several months i've been on a dental journey which has included a sinus infection, sedation, rubber dams in my mouth, loud drilling sounds and an ample amount of pain. 

While it hasn't been amazing fun I don't regret embarking on this journey of removing my mercury fillings. 

My body has endured 20 long years of small, consistent, and potent mercury exposure which I can't imagine has been stellar for my health. 

I'm excited to see if after a full detox (more details in my next post), I notice a difference. 

While I've always known mercury is not amazing, as I am getting metal removed from my mouth I figured its time to dive in deep. 

To begin its important to note that even if you don't have these ancient fillings you're still not in the clear.

Mercury exposure is everywhere! 

The top 3 sources of mercury are:

  1. Residue from burning coal 
  2. Fish (especially King Mackerel, MarlinOrange RoughySharkSwordfishTilefish, Bigeye/Ahi Tuna)
  3. Mercury amalgam fillings

What scary about this metallic substance is that it accumulates in fatty tissue and sorry for further bad news but our brain is 60% fatty tissue. 

 This is one of the reasons why Dr. Mark Hyman believes mercury contributes to, exasperates, or even causes muscle pain, digestive problems, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety, obesity, dementia, hair loss, Parkinson’s disease, thyroid problems,  cancer, heart failure, heart disease, and autism--in one study mothers of autistic kids had a higher percentage of amalgams than mothers of healthy kids. 
In addition, back in the 1990s thimerosol a form of mercury was being used in infant vaccinations. In CA there was a 900% increase of autism rates. In 1999 this toxic substance was removed and in 2004 new stats showed a welcomed decrease in autism.
Luckily today most vaccines are administered without thimerosol, but its always good to check what is happening in your state.  
A few other important takeaways about mercury:
  • Mercury binds to sulfur-containing molecules in the body which are very common place in nearly every enzyme. 
  • It can take up to 18 years for mercury to leave the body through urine, feces, or sweat.
  • Some people are genetically better at detoxifying heavy metals. Those who are not are more prone to toxicity.
  • When toxicity is extremely high people experience foggy brain, chronic fatigue, headaches, reduced sexual desire, tunnel vision, impaired hearing, disturbed balance, nausea, GI distress and depression.
  • Getting tested for mercury through blood levels or hair samples doesn't provide accurate results of how much heavy metal residue is being stored in your fat tissue. A DMSA or DMPS test can provide better results but MUST be done with medical supervision.  In addition, a Mercury Speciation test can be effective to determine the various sources of mercury in your system. 
  • If you want more in depth info and data read this

With the reality of mercury is all around us it is vital to take action.

  1. Support renewable energy to decrease coal burning and ensure greater access to clean air and keep track of air quality in your city. 
  2. Make smarter choices around fish consumption. 
  3. Remove amalgam fillings with the aid of a holistic/biological dentist (conventional dentist don't take necessary precessions to reduce your mercury exposure during removal)

Once you've lowered your exposure its time to detox the mercury out of your system. More on this soon. 




Staying Abreast


One of the topics that constantly draws my attention is cancer.

With continual credible research that shows family history is only a small part of cancer risk, why are so many people getting this potentially deadly disease?

Lifestyle, nutrition, and chemical exposure seem to be high contributing factors of whether cancer manifests at full blast. 

Breast cancer in particular is concerning as it has become the leading cause of death for women in their late 30s to early 50s. 

A recent study from the Silent Spring Institute focused on illuminating common place breast carcinogens found throughout women's day-to-day lives. Here were the findings focusing on 100 of the most common chemicals:

  • Air pollution is a breast cancer issue. Fumes from gasoline and diesel which emit benzene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are big problems. What to do? Encourage buses and parked vehicles particularly around schools during pickup time to not idle, switch to an electric lawn mower, invest more in renewable resources.  
  • Non-Stick cook wear is a breast cancer issue. Especially when you cook food at high temperatures on non-stick cookware you are ensuring high chemical exposure. Get rid of your non-stick cookware and switch to cast iron or stainless steel. 
  • Dry Cleaning is a breast cancer issue. Conventional dry cleaning uses chemicals and solvents like PERC, perchloroethylene, which have been linked to higher risk of breast cancer. Find places that avoid this and other chemicals or use a wet-clean method. 
  • Water is a breast cancer issue. While its wonderful that municipal water is being disinfected, high levels of chlorine leave MX residues which increase cancer rates. Ensure your water is filtered with a carbon block filter which will get these out. 
  • Furniture is a breast cancer issue. While you can find good deals on furniture, rugs, and carpets for your home, most are sprayed with flame retardants and stain-resistant chemicals which both equals trouble. Avoid polyurethane foam and opt for naturally flame-resistant fabrics and padding such as wool, hemp, organic latex, or consciously sourced leather.
  • Household cleaners are a breast cancer issue. Toxic cleaning chemicals pollute your indoor environment as well as collected dust, and dirt which brings in chemicals indoors. Take your shoes off at the front door, wipe dust with a wet rag or natural cleaning spray, and clean with a High-Efficiency Particulate Air vacuum cleaner.  
  • Politics is a breast cancer issue. Did you know that you live your life as a guinea pig for the chemical industry? The US has a innocent until proven guilty stance for over 80,000 chemicals. The burden of proof is on us the consumers not industry. THIS IS barbaric and infuriating. Contact your congressman/woman and senator and urge them to toughen up the Toxic Substances Control Act. 

While life gets busy, it is amazing how the little things can make a huge impact.

Commit to one action to reduce risk for your self, your wife, your sister, your mother or your friend.
Together we can make a difference!  






The adage 'buyer beware' is one I have always taken to heart, especially when it comes to eating out. 

For mother's day this year my sister and I were blessed to actually be with our mom who usually lives in Israel but is currently visiting. 

I had planned for us to go to a beautiful cafe over looking the ocean that sources farm fresh eggs and in-season produce. 

When I called them on Sunday morning at their opening time around 8am they told me 100 people where already lined up. 

We were all hungry so decided to go and eat at the hotel dining area we were staying  for $30 a person. 

The hotel portraits themselves as a pretty high class establishment but when it comes to food it seems that serving a dose of fake is their guiding light.

Now listen, I would't be as upset if I was charged $12 as then I would have felt that my defensive eating choice of steal cut oats and berries would have been justified but if there is one thing that boils my blood is being taken advantage of and my blood was boiling. 

I spoke to the manager and shared with him that for me factory farm eggs, jam with high fructose corn syrup, toxic farmed salmon, fake maple syrup made out of corn syrup, conventional yogurt with dyes and sugar, white flour products galore, and zero vegetables does not equate to a high quality meal. 

To his credit he was very professional, went to do research to confirm all of my assumptions, and gave us a discount. 

I know that businesses have to contend with the bottom line but can they at least be more transparent. 

Let people know that you are serving them trash so they can at least be more informed or be able to eat defensively. 

Until that day I hope more people will not simply stay silent and chew, but actually speak up and remind those in charge that fake is simply not going to cut it, not now, not ever!

The next morning we had our real mother's day meal, farm fresh eggs, tasty veggies, and a beautiful ocean view!



Celery Root


I have always seen my mom use celery root in soups but lets be honest, every time I walk by this veggie in the store it doesn't really scream 'I'm beautiful, eat me.'

Well yesterday I broke my prejudice and stopped judging a book by its cover.

I decided to add this little root to my lentil soup which also has carrots, turmeric, red potatoes, and yams.

I have to say I am impressed by the taste. The celery root adds a bit of a pungent kick that blends well with all the other root veggies.

In addition to the taste it seems that this wrangled up root has a nutrient punch as well:

  • Its low in starch compared to other roots
  • High in Vitamin K, Phosphorus, Potassium,  Fiber, Vitamin B6, Magnesium and Manganese
  • Helps to eliminate water retention

Next time you make a warming soup (I know its Spring but San Diego is still chilly) explore adding a slice or two of this often ignored root. 



Exercise No More


Many years ago I discovered the reality that exercising is an effort. 

As a yoga teacher you would think I love to move, but in reality if I could take a pill and sit on my ass and contemplate life all day long, I would. 

I am grateful no one has invented the exercise pill yet because it forces me to actually do something in my body. 

While I am grateful for the influence asana has had in my life I am not one of those that can get on my mat everyday. I need diversity. 

Yesterday while visiting in Los Angeles I headed to a local YMCA for a Zumba class.

Myself and seven women rocked it out to amazing latin inspired music for 45 minutes.

How could anyone resist moving when its so much damn fun! And MEN where are you? Come get your sweat on!

And that is the key,  from swimming, biking, and tennis, to hiking, yoga, and zumba JOY is the driving force behind my inspiration for movement, and for that I am eternally grateful. 

I stopped exercising a long time ago and instead started moving my body while having fun! 



Too Much Of a Good Thing


Moderation is a word we have all heard about haven't we?

So why does it seem to be one of the hardest practices for human beings to employ?

While the whole food kingdom provides us with potent nutrients, antioxidants, healing properties, and  vitality, it too has a tipping point where the adage 'too much of a good thing' becomes worthwhile to contemplate.   

Kale is a wonderful example of a health food gone amiss. 

Yes it has a high ANDI score (Aggregate Nutrient Density Index), yes its green and excellent for internal tissues, yes its high in antioxidants and helps the body cleanse and YES if over-consumed, especially raw, it will slow down your thyroid because it competes with the body's ability to absorb iodine (read more here under thyroid function).

P.S. other  cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and collard greens great for preventing cancer can also have the same effect if eaten in excess. 

So what to do? Does this mean you never eat these foods ever again? 

It all comes back to moderation. Cook it, have it raw, steam, bake, eat kale, eat chard, and rotate through the hundreds of other greens available at your farmer's market and coop. 

Don't break up with Kale, just don't juice it raw every single day. 

But this goes for everything. If you consume flax, olive oil, ghee, berries, lemon water (which can erode enamel if over used), the mantra to repeat over and over again is: 

  • Moderation & Rotation
  • Moderation & Rotation
  • Moderation & Rotation

Everything has a tipping point! 

Too much of a good thing can create havoc but the insurance policy is very very simple. 

Embrace diversity and all will be happy in your body's internal landscape! 




Green Cleanse Drink

I love being in India but one of the side effects of tasty oily Indian food, constant sweating, and an overconsumption of seductive fried tasty treats, is the wonderful protrusions on my face. 

When the body's systems begin to get clogged up its time to reset with a simple detox.

Its also Spring time which is a perfect season to help your body jumpstart and get rid of any winter stagnation.  

While there are many ways to cleanse it is vital to create protocols that don't add stress to your life. 

Be realistic and remember that a few commitments done consistently well are much better than many actions you don't actually adhere to. 

1. Choose to detox for 7, 10, or 14 days. 

2. Take a break from sugar, caffeine, and chicken, beef, and dairy. 

3. Eat more vegan meals with an emphasis on foods that are more alkalizing (look at this chart at low, medium, and most alkalizing foods)

4. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and feel free to add fresh grated ginger, fennel, or detox tea blends. 

5. Add supplements:

As you embark on your detox make a commitment to journal, spend time in nature, get a massage or two, find a way to sweat through a hot yoga class or sauna, and remember that during a cleanse sometimes things get WORST before they get better. 

Especially if you are addicted to sugar and caffeine know that headaches, bowl pains, irritability, and low energy might come for a visit.
Stay the course and relief should arrive 5-7 days into your detox protocol.
To a fresh start!  



72 Hours


It began with a little tickle in my throat, then a runny nose, followed by low energy, congestion and lots of colorful phlegm. 

From there my friendly visitor traveled into my lungs before my body was able to fully usher it out the door. 

While its not my favorite experience to be sick, I do enjoy the process of seeing my symptoms move and shift and recognize how my body is working hard to heal (I am not using the word fight intentionally here), and reestablish the status quo. 

While some people reach for antibiotics at the first sign of trouble, I would rather let my body do what it knows how to do best and employ specific rituals and herbs to support its already brilliant protocols for healing.

  • For throat tickle gargle with warm sea salt water to reduce swelling and inflammation.
  • A few times a day drink warm water with lemon (high in C) and freshly grated ginger (decongestant).
  • Before or after the drink above take a teaspoon of raw honey (avoid mixing honey with boiling water as it will kill off its vitality), honey help when coughing sets in and boost the immune system. 
  • It might sound gross but have a jar handy so you can spit in it and when the phlegm gets going, if its coming up, get it OUT!
  • Use the Netti pot (warm water with 1/4 teaspoon of salt) several times a day to keep the sinus clear, you might be surprised at how much yuck actually comes out.
  • Put your legs up the wall for 10min at least 1x a day to help stimulate the lymph. Cover your eyes and put on relaxing music to help the body rest. 
  • Use eucalyptus oil to help decongest (if you have an essential oil vaporizer use it)
  • Drink fresh juice but ensure its not freezing cold. A combo of beets, carrots, apple, garlic, ginger, celery, and parsley will help Alkalize your body and support balance.
  • Take an oregano oil capsule 1-2x a day, a natural antibiotic.
  • Take a medicinal mushroom complex to help boost the immune system.  
  • Mix 3 tsp of turmeric in warm water, hold your nose, and swallow 2x a day (or just take a capsule). Turmeric helps melt phlegm away and supports the immune system to do its job better. 
  • Have a room temperature smoothie with potent unsweetened almond milk or coconut milk, berries and a larger dose of a green food powder
  • Cook with garlic and ginger and eat as many green veggies as you can. 
  • Stay active as your energy allows, go for walks and/or take a yoga class. 
  • If you have access to a sauna or a hot yoga studio (without doing the whole hot yoga practice) go and sweat. 
  • If you can't sleep take a natural sleeping aid to help you get a solid nights sleep. 
  • When the throat and cough begins make sure to take a potent bronchial support formula
  • Avoid all dairy until your congestion and phlegm is fully gone. 

If you feel overwhelmed by this list take a deep breath and write down what would be doable in your life.

Even if you implement just five of these action steps your body will be very very thankful as it works hard to bring you back to balance and ease. 
It all could be over in a mere 72 hours. 



Simple Sauce


When I was in NYC on the East Coast my sweet friend Alexey made a very simple and delicious breakfast dish which I just recreated this morning. 

He sliced up some apples, put them in a pot with water, threw in some raisins, cinnamon, and clove.

Brought the water to a boil and let it all simmer for a bit of time. 

Simple sauce.

No pealing, no mashing, no straining, and very very tasty.

Apples are generally cooling but when cooked they can actually have a soothing effect on digestion and help cleanse the colon.

To my breakfast I also added a sliced banana but to manage the sugar content of the meal (even though cinnamon is there to help regulate) I also added a bit of unsweetened coconut milk (you could also add some Coconut Oil or Ghee) which provides bit more satiating fat.




Nature Knows Best

I have deep respect for the many years that Doctors put into their learning and practice. At the same time this story goes to show that there are times when we have to take matters into our own hands, NOT listen, and utilize nature's intelligence to HEAL. 
