


Over the last several days I have been spending time and supporting a friend who has been extremely down after a breakup. 

Depression is something that runs in my family so I have had plenty of experience with down times.

If you've ever been extremely blue you know the struggle. Feeling helpless, powerless, unmotivated, stuck, frustrated, sad, alone, and wondering when it will end. 

While in some situations antidepressants are an important tool, too often the power of specific life rituals and nutritional therapies are underestimated and underutilized.

Furthermore many mood stabilizing drugs take 4-6 weeks to kick in so its important to have other tools to work with during down times.

Here are a few things I have learned from years of experience and research with down days:

  • Eat Clean: Refined sugars, chemical additives , and processed junk all impact the brain adversely. Stick with clean whole foods. In addition avoid over-consuming Omega 6 oils--soy, sunflower, and corn being the highest--as they cause inflammation and effect the brain negatively.   
  • Supplement Right: It is key to give your brain nutrients that help stabilize mood. Vitamin D (2-5,000 IU daily), Omega 3's (1-2,000 mg daily fish oil), and a B-Vitmain complex that includes B12, 6, and folic acid. In addition, according to Dr. Weil  "SAMe (S-adenosy-L-methionine) promotes brain function and can support depression. Use only the butanedisulfonate form in enteric-coated tablets, or in capsules. Try 400-1,600 mg a day on an empty stomach."
  • Ensure High Quality Protein: Especially if you are a vegan or vegetarian low mood can be related to not enough protein. Read more here. 

  • Mellow your Inflammation: The brains (and consequently guts) of depressed people often show signs of inflammation which often occurs due to processed foods and common allergens like gluten or dairy. Explore an elimination diet and enact protocols to repair your gut. 
  • Move It: Cardio based movement for 45min four days a week is key to release endorphins and helps stimulate BDNF a natural mood enhancer in the brain. Read more about BDNF.

  • Schedule Up: Every Sunday plan out your week. Schedule your movement times, social engagements--even if you don't feeling like seeing people it is vital to not isolate--and plan times for cooking food. Having a plan will ensure you avoid too many pockets free space where you can overthink your situation. 
  • Get a Check Up: Sometimes depression/fatigue can be exasperated or caused by hypothyroidism, heavy metal toxicity, or iron deficiency. 
  • Journal Daily: When we feel down its important to journal and catharsize the cyclone of thoughts in the mind. Even if you don't feel great about your life take time to include some gratitude in your journalling. It can be small being grateful for the sun, breath, a piece of fruit, love of friends and family, water, etc. 
  • Spend time in Nature: Many studies have shown that being in nature for as little as 20 minutes can serve to relieve mild to medium depressive symptoms. Buy yourself flowers and plants, spend time in a park, or invite a friend to go for a hike.  
  • Talk to Someone: Talk therapy serves as an important tool in down moods as it provides a chance to speak to someone outside of your life circle and to share what is present for you with a caring invested listener. 
  • Take An Herb: St. John's Wort has been clinically proven to help enhance mood in depressed people. Take 300 mg  three times daily. The herb can take 4-6 weeks to take effect and it is vital not to take it if you are on birth control pills or antidepressants especially SSRIs. 
  • Get Poked: Acupuncture has been shown to enhance mood and support overall vitality especially during down times. 
  • Laugh: Even though you might not feel like it put on a stand up comedian, go to a comedy show, or watch a funny movie, laughter improves mood. 
  • Clean Up: Cleaning is extremely therapeutic as often depression is coupled with a lack of motivation. Organizing and cleaning will provide a sense of purpose, accomplishment, and energetically will make your living space feel more habitable. 

While this list might seem overwhelming choose a few rituals to explore and implement every day. Particularly with the daunting feeling of depression it is the simplest small baby steps that add up and make a huge difference!



Mercury Detox


A few posts ago I wrote about Malicious Mercury and its detrimental effects on health and vitality. 

Today with my mercury amalgam fillings removed from my mouth its time to initiate a detox to remove this toxic waste once and for all. 

While I have always read about the effects of mercury, I was surprised that the first 3 days after getting my fillings out I felt like I had chronic fatigue. 

I was taking my basic herbs, moving my body, eating well but I just couldn't muster any energy. My eyes where hurting which in Traditional Chinese Medicine correlates to the liver. All of this even after my Biological Dentist took every precaution to minimize my exposure.  

When it comes to cleansing from mercury it it important to remember that this is not a small task, and while you can incorporate some of these rituals, to be truly effective consider working with an informed alternative health practitioner. 

If you are curious at getting a baseline reading of your mercury levels refer to the previous post for testing information. 

When it comes to detoxification it is important to remember that the body is a very intelligent instrument. Assuming you are not dealing with a genetic deficiency that makes it more difficult for your body to produce glutathione, your body will be able to cleanse well but still need some added support.

Prep Time: before you invite mercury to come out of its hiding places in the fat tissues its vital to prep the body for the cleanse. Remember that the way the body will eliminate heavy metals is through your liver, kidneys and gut so all 3 have to be primed and ready to go. Prep for 2-3 months before moving into a full detox.  

  • Elimante all foods that trigger inflammation in your system including sugar, dairy, gluten, processed foods, refined oils and corn. Only consume high quality eggs and low mercury fish like sardines or anchovies for protein. 
  • Utilize healthy fats like Krill (omega 3), olive, avocado, coconut oil and ghee.  
  • Incorporate more zinc and selenium which will help in the detox.
  • Take a B Vitamin supplement.
  • Increase sulfur containing foods like broccoli, collards, kale, daikon radish, garlic, onions, and omega-3 eggs.
  • Take a probiotic supplement twice daily. 
  • Increase your intake of fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi.
  • Eat more endives and drink lemon water to prep the kidneys. 

One Week: before you get started begin to incorporate a few more steps to the ones above

Go Time: its time to coax mercury to come out and stay out. Here there are several options to play with, again consider consulting a health practitioner to make sure you are well informed. Make sure to continue all of the above steps as you implement the following. 

  • Take a product called Bio-Chelat it claims to not have any potential side effects sometimes found with DMSA (DMSA should only be used under the supervision of a health care provider) and works a bit slower which reduces the risk of mercury reabsorption to sensitive brain tissues.
  • Continue your saunas to 3-5x a week.
  • Make and consume cilantro pesto 5x a week.
  • Take chlorella tablets.
  • Drink ample filtered water to ensure urine is clear. 
  • Ensure you have two bowel movements a day 
  • Take more vitamin B and consider taking concentrated form of Lypo-Spheric vitamin C to help the detox be more effective.
While you are engaging in the detox know that it is normal to feel foggy, low energy, and irritable.
After the process is complete continue many of the rituals from prep time and slowly integrate other foods back  in. 
Notice if you feel any difference in joint pain, fogginess, and overall energy. 
If you want to read further checkout these article by Dr. Hyman and Dr. Mercola as well as doing your own research. 
*Many of the links in the post will take you to PureFormulas a cheaper place to buy supplements. Find current discount codes to use with your order at



Body Acoustic


WARNING! If you are offended by the conversation of sex, touch, and the physical body DO NOT READ FURTHER

I am not sure if it's because I am a Virgo, but I always find myself wondering how and why things function.

In a recent intimate experience I couldn't help but notice how much more excited I became when my mate made soft moaning sounds that correlated to his experience of increased pleasure.

Is this the norm? Do gay and straight men get turned on by sexual vocalization? And what about women do they get excited when their man or woman makes sound?

While there aren't too many official studies on this subject--spread the word to your grad student friends, we need more research--there are plenty of opinions.

vSome sexologists believe moaning in the bedroom increases sexual arousal for self and partner, communicates what we like and don't like, and can create a slight experience of hyperventilation which results in a mild feeling of euphoria.

In addition to groans and moans some men and women love to verbalize through simple words like yes, more, and now, etc., while others employ 'dirty talk' to increase their excitement. But do check-in as some people are turned off by particular words.

Stereotypically moaning during foreplay and sex has been painted as only a female trait, but many women and gay men report enjoying breath sounds and soft moaning coming from their man.

One study also showed that some women make noise not only when feeling pleasure but to speed up their partner's climax, boost his self-esteem, relieve boredom, or diffuse fatigue and discomfort. More gay men and lesbians need to chime in as to whether they use the same techniques.

So next time you find yourself hot and heavy make a little noise, but not too much, or maybe yes too much. Wake up the neighbors!



Silly Change


I've been living my life in a contemplative way for over 10 years now but what I love most is the way in which lessons continually show up on my path.

In general I am pretty comfortable with the cycles of life, the reality that things begin, sustain, end, and begin again.

I would label my relationship to change as pretty conscious or connected, and yet there are moments where I notice the friendly beast resistance rise up and say hello.

Over these last few weeks I have dedicated myself to writing on a daily basis.

I spend sometime at home writing, but I also enjoy going out to write.

While there are many cafes in San Diego I have fallen in love with one with a lovely a Parisian atmosphere.The tables are small, the decoration eccentric, and the owner slightly rude.I feel at home when I am there surrounded by beautiful antiques, endless jars of tea, and interesting people walking in and out.

Today, as I walked out of my place a part of me chimed in saying its time to go somewhere new.

Right away I felt a strong wave of residence--really over a silly cafe?

I thought what an interesting microcosm of how even the smallest of change can bring stuff up.
What's interesting is that on one hand humans are hard-wired for continual evolution. "We evolved from single cell organisms over eons, so adaptation is in our blood. As modern humans we are geared to life-long learning and growth. Our brain cells are continually forming new connections and restructuring our perceptions and physiology over time¹."

On the other hand the brain is designed to keep us alive for survival as its number one goal. A familiar environment equals comfort and safety and not as many unknown variables that could pose a threat.

In addition, our reptilian brain responsible for our primary survival functions--eating, sleeping, sex--is more easily activated than our limbic system--emotions, memory, habits--and our pre-frontal cortex--higher order and thinking. "What that means is it takes more effort to think about and do something new than react out of instinct or habit²."

While rewriting habit patterns is a whole different conversation, knowing that my initial surge of resistance is natural makes me breathe a little bit easier, and helps me take a step forward as I shake things up and engage with change.



Malicious Mercury


Over the last several months i've been on a dental journey which has included a sinus infection, sedation, rubber dams in my mouth, loud drilling sounds and an ample amount of pain. 

While it hasn't been amazing fun I don't regret embarking on this journey of removing my mercury fillings. 

My body has endured 20 long years of small, consistent, and potent mercury exposure which I can't imagine has been stellar for my health. 

I'm excited to see if after a full detox (more details in my next post), I notice a difference. 

While I've always known mercury is not amazing, as I am getting metal removed from my mouth I figured its time to dive in deep. 

To begin its important to note that even if you don't have these ancient fillings you're still not in the clear.

Mercury exposure is everywhere! 

The top 3 sources of mercury are:

  1. Residue from burning coal 
  2. Fish (especially King Mackerel, MarlinOrange RoughySharkSwordfishTilefish, Bigeye/Ahi Tuna)
  3. Mercury amalgam fillings

What scary about this metallic substance is that it accumulates in fatty tissue and sorry for further bad news but our brain is 60% fatty tissue. 

 This is one of the reasons why Dr. Mark Hyman believes mercury contributes to, exasperates, or even causes muscle pain, digestive problems, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety, obesity, dementia, hair loss, Parkinson’s disease, thyroid problems,  cancer, heart failure, heart disease, and autism--in one study mothers of autistic kids had a higher percentage of amalgams than mothers of healthy kids. 
In addition, back in the 1990s thimerosol a form of mercury was being used in infant vaccinations. In CA there was a 900% increase of autism rates. In 1999 this toxic substance was removed and in 2004 new stats showed a welcomed decrease in autism.
Luckily today most vaccines are administered without thimerosol, but its always good to check what is happening in your state.  
A few other important takeaways about mercury:
  • Mercury binds to sulfur-containing molecules in the body which are very common place in nearly every enzyme. 
  • It can take up to 18 years for mercury to leave the body through urine, feces, or sweat.
  • Some people are genetically better at detoxifying heavy metals. Those who are not are more prone to toxicity.
  • When toxicity is extremely high people experience foggy brain, chronic fatigue, headaches, reduced sexual desire, tunnel vision, impaired hearing, disturbed balance, nausea, GI distress and depression.
  • Getting tested for mercury through blood levels or hair samples doesn't provide accurate results of how much heavy metal residue is being stored in your fat tissue. A DMSA or DMPS test can provide better results but MUST be done with medical supervision.  In addition, a Mercury Speciation test can be effective to determine the various sources of mercury in your system. 
  • If you want more in depth info and data read this

With the reality of mercury is all around us it is vital to take action.

  1. Support renewable energy to decrease coal burning and ensure greater access to clean air and keep track of air quality in your city. 
  2. Make smarter choices around fish consumption. 
  3. Remove amalgam fillings with the aid of a holistic/biological dentist (conventional dentist don't take necessary precessions to reduce your mercury exposure during removal)

Once you've lowered your exposure its time to detox the mercury out of your system. More on this soon. 




Staying Abreast


One of the topics that constantly draws my attention is cancer.

With continual credible research that shows family history is only a small part of cancer risk, why are so many people getting this potentially deadly disease?

Lifestyle, nutrition, and chemical exposure seem to be high contributing factors of whether cancer manifests at full blast. 

Breast cancer in particular is concerning as it has become the leading cause of death for women in their late 30s to early 50s. 

A recent study from the Silent Spring Institute focused on illuminating common place breast carcinogens found throughout women's day-to-day lives. Here were the findings focusing on 100 of the most common chemicals:

  • Air pollution is a breast cancer issue. Fumes from gasoline and diesel which emit benzene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are big problems. What to do? Encourage buses and parked vehicles particularly around schools during pickup time to not idle, switch to an electric lawn mower, invest more in renewable resources.  
  • Non-Stick cook wear is a breast cancer issue. Especially when you cook food at high temperatures on non-stick cookware you are ensuring high chemical exposure. Get rid of your non-stick cookware and switch to cast iron or stainless steel. 
  • Dry Cleaning is a breast cancer issue. Conventional dry cleaning uses chemicals and solvents like PERC, perchloroethylene, which have been linked to higher risk of breast cancer. Find places that avoid this and other chemicals or use a wet-clean method. 
  • Water is a breast cancer issue. While its wonderful that municipal water is being disinfected, high levels of chlorine leave MX residues which increase cancer rates. Ensure your water is filtered with a carbon block filter which will get these out. 
  • Furniture is a breast cancer issue. While you can find good deals on furniture, rugs, and carpets for your home, most are sprayed with flame retardants and stain-resistant chemicals which both equals trouble. Avoid polyurethane foam and opt for naturally flame-resistant fabrics and padding such as wool, hemp, organic latex, or consciously sourced leather.
  • Household cleaners are a breast cancer issue. Toxic cleaning chemicals pollute your indoor environment as well as collected dust, and dirt which brings in chemicals indoors. Take your shoes off at the front door, wipe dust with a wet rag or natural cleaning spray, and clean with a High-Efficiency Particulate Air vacuum cleaner.  
  • Politics is a breast cancer issue. Did you know that you live your life as a guinea pig for the chemical industry? The US has a innocent until proven guilty stance for over 80,000 chemicals. The burden of proof is on us the consumers not industry. THIS IS barbaric and infuriating. Contact your congressman/woman and senator and urge them to toughen up the Toxic Substances Control Act. 

While life gets busy, it is amazing how the little things can make a huge impact.

Commit to one action to reduce risk for your self, your wife, your sister, your mother or your friend.
Together we can make a difference!  






The adage 'buyer beware' is one I have always taken to heart, especially when it comes to eating out. 

For mother's day this year my sister and I were blessed to actually be with our mom who usually lives in Israel but is currently visiting. 

I had planned for us to go to a beautiful cafe over looking the ocean that sources farm fresh eggs and in-season produce. 

When I called them on Sunday morning at their opening time around 8am they told me 100 people where already lined up. 

We were all hungry so decided to go and eat at the hotel dining area we were staying  for $30 a person. 

The hotel portraits themselves as a pretty high class establishment but when it comes to food it seems that serving a dose of fake is their guiding light.

Now listen, I would't be as upset if I was charged $12 as then I would have felt that my defensive eating choice of steal cut oats and berries would have been justified but if there is one thing that boils my blood is being taken advantage of and my blood was boiling. 

I spoke to the manager and shared with him that for me factory farm eggs, jam with high fructose corn syrup, toxic farmed salmon, fake maple syrup made out of corn syrup, conventional yogurt with dyes and sugar, white flour products galore, and zero vegetables does not equate to a high quality meal. 

To his credit he was very professional, went to do research to confirm all of my assumptions, and gave us a discount. 

I know that businesses have to contend with the bottom line but can they at least be more transparent. 

Let people know that you are serving them trash so they can at least be more informed or be able to eat defensively. 

Until that day I hope more people will not simply stay silent and chew, but actually speak up and remind those in charge that fake is simply not going to cut it, not now, not ever!

The next morning we had our real mother's day meal, farm fresh eggs, tasty veggies, and a beautiful ocean view!



App Time


In case you didn't know where cell phones and then smart phones came from, it was Star Trek!

Way back even in the first series Captain Kirk carried a little communicator that flipped open and in later series we were introduced to the tricorder, a device used for gathering data and scanning medical patients.

Today we have smart phones and the potential they offer is infinite.

Yoga after all is invested in skillful participation and engagement with life so whatever makes that process simpler is always welcome with open arms.

While I have only had my iPhone for a bit over a year I have come across a few powerful apps that support me in healthy living, ease, and care for the environment.

  • Waze: An ingenious traffic app developed in Israel (my homeland) this ingenious helper turns traffic into a social network. It uses data from each one of its users and encourages passengers in cars to report traffic jams and accidents. It can give you a huge heads up and will reroute if there are unexpected slow downs. 

  • Lumosity: I love computer games but don't play them too often these days. Lumosity provides little games that actually help train your brain's memory, attention, and focus capability. Watch yourself improve over time.
  • PaperKarma: Is your junk mail piling up? Paper Karma is amazing, just take a picture of your junk mail using the app and their system works on your behalf to make sure that unwanted catalog, credit card offer, or special offer never comes back!
  • SeafoodWatch: Eating fish is a healthy choice but not when you don't know whether the fish was farmed or is full of mercury. This app is simple. Type in the name of your fish and you'll get all the info you need to make the healthiest choice.
  • iRecycle: Find where and when you can drop off and responsibly dispose of or recycle hazardous materials, paint, electronics, batteries, and much much more!
  • DirtyDozen: Do you forget which fruits and veggies are heavily sprayed and which ones are not. Keep this handy list when you shop.
  • EatWellGuide: I wish I could recommend a great app to help find healthy restaurants but I haven't found one yet but there is a trick here that you can use. On the iPhone go to the webpage of eatwellguide on Safari, then follow these directions to create a shortcut button that will directly take you to this page when you click it. Enter your zip code and find out what's healthy near by.

I am sure there are many more amazing apps and many more to come. Hopefully we will continue to see amazing ingenuity that can bolster our health, support the planet, and enhance our ability to skillful engage with life! 



Celery Root


I have always seen my mom use celery root in soups but lets be honest, every time I walk by this veggie in the store it doesn't really scream 'I'm beautiful, eat me.'

Well yesterday I broke my prejudice and stopped judging a book by its cover.

I decided to add this little root to my lentil soup which also has carrots, turmeric, red potatoes, and yams.

I have to say I am impressed by the taste. The celery root adds a bit of a pungent kick that blends well with all the other root veggies.

In addition to the taste it seems that this wrangled up root has a nutrient punch as well:

  • Its low in starch compared to other roots
  • High in Vitamin K, Phosphorus, Potassium,  Fiber, Vitamin B6, Magnesium and Manganese
  • Helps to eliminate water retention

Next time you make a warming soup (I know its Spring but San Diego is still chilly) explore adding a slice or two of this often ignored root. 




Studio shot of two hands holding each other

The modern world in which we live in is a very beautiful place with so much going for it. Yet at the same time our "developed nations" are seeing increased rates of depression, anxiety, and autoimmune dysfunctions. 

Whatever the reasons-over emphasis on the individual journey, materialism, lack of making time, or a compromised interior chemical state due to low quality nutrition-a sense of isolation and misconnection plagues many. 

What I appreciate about human ingenuity is that it always has a way of rising up to the occasion of the times. Over the last few years a whole new stream of business is showing up to meet familiar needs with an added dose of connection. 

The last few times I have needed a ride to the airport non of my friends where around so I used the car service Uber and Lyft to give me a ride. In both instances I had a wonderfully rich conversation with the drivers and left feeling much warmer inside. 

On my recent trip to St. Louis for Yoga Teacher Training instead of staying at a hotel I explored Air B and B and stayed with a couple in their extra room. They where exactly on my wavelength and throughout the 10 days we had very sweet interactions. 

Finally as I continue to explore the dating front someone recently introduced me to Tinder a simple dating app that lets you swipe right if you are drawn to someone and left if you are not interested. The conversation only begins if both swiped right.

I love this because it honors the human reality of some initial attraction and it motivates meeting sooner than later as there isn't as many details present as are on other dating sites. It might mean a few more unpredictable date stories but at least its encouraging people to spend time with other people. 

So while I believe that many elements of technology can further enlist people in isolating I am pleased to see that these creative services are reigniting the time tested need we all have for connection. 



Exercise No More


Many years ago I discovered the reality that exercising is an effort. 

As a yoga teacher you would think I love to move, but in reality if I could take a pill and sit on my ass and contemplate life all day long, I would. 

I am grateful no one has invented the exercise pill yet because it forces me to actually do something in my body. 

While I am grateful for the influence asana has had in my life I am not one of those that can get on my mat everyday. I need diversity. 

Yesterday while visiting in Los Angeles I headed to a local YMCA for a Zumba class.

Myself and seven women rocked it out to amazing latin inspired music for 45 minutes.

How could anyone resist moving when its so much damn fun! And MEN where are you? Come get your sweat on!

And that is the key,  from swimming, biking, and tennis, to hiking, yoga, and zumba JOY is the driving force behind my inspiration for movement, and for that I am eternally grateful. 

I stopped exercising a long time ago and instead started moving my body while having fun! 



Too Much Of a Good Thing


Moderation is a word we have all heard about haven't we?

So why does it seem to be one of the hardest practices for human beings to employ?

While the whole food kingdom provides us with potent nutrients, antioxidants, healing properties, and  vitality, it too has a tipping point where the adage 'too much of a good thing' becomes worthwhile to contemplate.   

Kale is a wonderful example of a health food gone amiss. 

Yes it has a high ANDI score (Aggregate Nutrient Density Index), yes its green and excellent for internal tissues, yes its high in antioxidants and helps the body cleanse and YES if over-consumed, especially raw, it will slow down your thyroid because it competes with the body's ability to absorb iodine (read more here under thyroid function).

P.S. other  cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and collard greens great for preventing cancer can also have the same effect if eaten in excess. 

So what to do? Does this mean you never eat these foods ever again? 

It all comes back to moderation. Cook it, have it raw, steam, bake, eat kale, eat chard, and rotate through the hundreds of other greens available at your farmer's market and coop. 

Don't break up with Kale, just don't juice it raw every single day. 

But this goes for everything. If you consume flax, olive oil, ghee, berries, lemon water (which can erode enamel if over used), the mantra to repeat over and over again is: 

  • Moderation & Rotation
  • Moderation & Rotation
  • Moderation & Rotation

Everything has a tipping point! 

Too much of a good thing can create havoc but the insurance policy is very very simple. 

Embrace diversity and all will be happy in your body's internal landscape! 





Over the last several months and the next upcoming months I am spending much more time on planes than usual. 

While spending hours on end at 35,000 feet is not my favorite activity I do appreciate the space I feel while being in the air and the random conversations that sometimes unfold. 

On my recent flight from Houston to San Diego I sat next to a very sweet 25 year old man. We chatted about yoga, work, relationships, God, spirituality, and so much more. 

It was a very nourishing conversation yet what struck me most was one of the last questions he proposed. 

As the plane began its initial decent into San Diego, Mike asked me 'What's waiting for you at home?'

For a moment my mind went into the narrow spiral that nothing is waiting for me. I go home to my room, no partner, no consistent work to wake up to in the morning, no super glue connection to San Diego as home. 

I then took a deep breath and reset the question. What is waiting for me at home?

I was being picked up by my dear friend Steve from the airport, I have a lunch date with my friend Katie on Friday and dinner plans with sweet friends in the evening, I am getting a nourishing massage Thursday, I have freedom and space to fulfill my creativity, I head to Los Angeles to see my sister, brother-in-law, nephew and my mom who is visiting from Israel on Sunday, I have sun, quiet, clean water, fresh air and so much possibility. 

I am grateful that I have so much in the place I live in for now and while I will cherish the day I am in intimate relationship once again, I am grateful in knowing that home is composed of much more than just one person, one event, or one quality.

It is a community of so many facets that I hope is always waiting for me when I return back home.  




Green Cleanse Drink

I love being in India but one of the side effects of tasty oily Indian food, constant sweating, and an overconsumption of seductive fried tasty treats, is the wonderful protrusions on my face. 

When the body's systems begin to get clogged up its time to reset with a simple detox.

Its also Spring time which is a perfect season to help your body jumpstart and get rid of any winter stagnation.  

While there are many ways to cleanse it is vital to create protocols that don't add stress to your life. 

Be realistic and remember that a few commitments done consistently well are much better than many actions you don't actually adhere to. 

1. Choose to detox for 7, 10, or 14 days. 

2. Take a break from sugar, caffeine, and chicken, beef, and dairy. 

3. Eat more vegan meals with an emphasis on foods that are more alkalizing (look at this chart at low, medium, and most alkalizing foods)

4. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and feel free to add fresh grated ginger, fennel, or detox tea blends. 

5. Add supplements:

As you embark on your detox make a commitment to journal, spend time in nature, get a massage or two, find a way to sweat through a hot yoga class or sauna, and remember that during a cleanse sometimes things get WORST before they get better. 

Especially if you are addicted to sugar and caffeine know that headaches, bowl pains, irritability, and low energy might come for a visit.
Stay the course and relief should arrive 5-7 days into your detox protocol.
To a fresh start!  





Today as we do every year we took time to visit several temples and immerse more in what is a daily ritual for many Indians. 

What I love about going to temple is what I love so much about Indian culture, its rich! 

Colorful lotus flower ceilings, oil lamps, a sweet fragrance of incense, an array of garland flower petals, and vibrant deities which each symbolize a specific energy in nature serving as a conduit of connection in the day-to-day. 

How can I bring this initiation of life back home?

Lighting a candle?
Ringing a bell?
A sprinkle of water on my head?
Taking time to smell a fragrant flower?
Burning incense?
Looking at a picture of family?
Gazing at a bright image of a deity to help me remember?

In the west we have rituals, but do they serve us to feel truly connected or are they simply giving a momentary jolt of fake vitality?

When I feel full and connected I want to grow, I want to step into the light, I want to flourish! 



Are You in India?


This is my 5th trip to this most precious land named India. Every time I come here I am reminded why I return again and again.

It’s a mix of a rude awakening, immense humor, and unending warmth that reminds me to appreciate the diverse flavors of my human path.

So how do you know you’re in India?

  • When you get off the plane a wonderful scent awaits, not good or bad, simply distinctly India.
  • With in a split second of walking out of the airport doors a professional dressed man will make friendly conversation, offer to take you to a guesthouse for a very reasonable price, and will ignore the fact you just told him you are simply walking over to the domestic terminal.
  • Your domestic flight will depart from the international terminal.
  • When boarding your plane at the assigned gate the digital screen will say a different airline and a different destination, even though you are at the right gate.
  • You might need to show your BOARDING pass when you exit the plane.
  • You put your carryon through a scanning machine and walk through a metal detector after immigration and before baggage claim and customs.
  • A two-lane road the size of a one-way road really serves as three lanes—the third lane which appears at driver’s discretion, is used for passing.
  • You will see mileage signs one after the other that say 11km, 12km, and then 9.5km heading towards your destination.
  • When arriving at where you are staying you will be welcomed by the most authentic warm smiles ever!
  • Sweet children will want you to take their picture and then show them the picture. 
  • The bright colors are everywhere from clothing, buildings, and flowers, India is alive! 
  • You will be in taste bud heaven after your first pineapple juice, fresh papaya, and real authentic curry.
  • When negotiating a taxi ride or buying anything at a shop be prepared to be overcharged by 300%, walk away and all of a sudden the prices start to tumble. 
  • The town you took a train to 'Trivandrum' has two train stations, which are at two different locations but each are called 'Trivandrum'. 

The joys of India are never ending and I have had some of my greatest learnings of compassion, patience, letting go, and simply going with the flow and richness of life.

To many more journeys! Namaste. 



Collage HELL


While I absolutely love having a vision board/collage in my room. I repeatedly experience the same process when its time to revamp what it is I am working with on my path. 

The first step is extremely fun as I spend days with random magazines and see what images draw me in.

The next part of the process is where the experience of HELL begins. 

As a Virgo I want my collage process to be done in a brief 10 minutes, but the reality is that it takes so much more time. 

I start placing the images on one part of my board, I combine backgrounds, notice color patterns, experiment with how the words fit in or don't, and throughout the process I notice endless frustration. 

The mess, the desire for it to be finished and orderly, and my all time favorite the reality that I can't power through to get it done. 

The collage above took me over a week. Each day  I had to stop when I recognized my frustration was overpowering my ability to stay in a creative flow. 

What I love about this hellish process is that it reminds me of life, especially when I embark on a new endeavor.

All of the same feelings show up and at this point in my life I've learned I have to employ the same tools.

  • Take one step at a time
  • Know when to step back and take a break
  • And trust, trust, trust

Both in the collage and in life a day always comes where everything starts to line up:  the images fit just right, I feel connected and calm, and one action ripples into the next. 

Who said resistance can't be  a teacher? And sometimes a little bit of Hell is just the Dr. ordered. 





Yesterday I got one of my royal two hours massages and as always it was amazing! I know, I am very very spoiled. 

As I laid on the massage table an interesting experience unfolded. It started when I recognized I was cold. 

My first thought was my body temperature will rise but it didn't. 

What's odd is I am very comfortable with my massage therapist, I don't think of myself as someone who doesn't speak up for my needs, and I knew the table had an electric pad on it which would be easy to turn on. 

I was paralyzed, unable to ask for what it was I truly needed in that moment. 

I was observing, aware, fully conscious, and at the same time stuck. I wonder where else in my life this happens?

Luckily even though I didn't speak up, quantum physics was on my side (aka lila). 

About 40 minutes in, my masseur said he forgot to ask me if I wanted the heating pad turned on and would I want him to turn it on now.

I was very happy to hear the words YES come out of my mouth.

Where do you get stuck asking for what it is you need in your life?



Eco Essentials


One of the greatest gifts yoga has given me is awareness and perspective. While I don't deserve an A+ all the time when its time to buy something new I tend to look for an eco-friendly option first. 

The reasons are simple. I love supporting companies doing the right thing with a financial contribution and at the reality is eco-products can be stylish, price comparable, and always consider the impact of the product in every stage of its life cycle.

Its a win/win for my style, my health, and for the planet's health. 

Here are a few of my favorite recent buys:

  • Zeal Sunglasses: the frames and lenses are all made out of "castor bean, an efficient, fast-growing perennial that is easy to grow, withstands drought, and thrives on marginal lands. Z-Resin doesn't compete with food crops and also significantly reduces the amount of CO2 released during manufacturing."
  • Reusable Paper Towel Sponge: growing up in Israel we never had paper towels and always used these reusable European sponges. Each one is equivalent to 15 paper towel rolls, it dries quickly so bacteria will form on it, and it will biodegrade within 5 weeks of being disposed. Check out Twist or Skoy
  • Running Shoes: while show companies are trying to reduce their waste about a year ago I purchased an eco friendly shoe from Brookes Running. The midsole is totally compostable and the shoe is low toxicity. This year I noticed the shoe was discontinued so I thought they were taking a step backward. Luckily I got in touch with Customer Service and this is the good news they shared with me: "We used to make an environmentally friendly shoe that was called the Green Silence. Essentially it was a concept shoe using technology that we were seeing if we could use this in all of shoes. We used recycled bottles for laces, water based adhesives and a single piece upper that lessened the amount of material waste when cutting the uppers. All of these environmental advances plus the use of BioMogo midsoles which will biodegrade in an active landfill in 20 years are used in all of our shoes now." Very good NEWS! Check them out @

  • Check out the great guide better-world-shopper to find more amazing companies working to support our planet. 

 If you have more products you love let me know and I will add them. To Win/Wins! 



Little Ember


I am spending time with my sister, brother-in-law, and little nephew in the sweet mountain town of Julian CA, about an hour or so from San Diego. 

We are in a beautiful wood cabin with tall trees and expansive valley views. 

To my delight the cabin has a wood stove which takes me back to wonderful memories of wood cabins on the East Coast. 

On Friday, the night we arrived I lit a fire to keep us warm. 

On Saturday evening about 18  hours after the first fire it was time to start up the stove once again. 

As I opened the small glass door I felt warmth inside, and as I looked more closely I noticed glowing embers. 

I paused in a moment of fascination at how intelligent, economical, and resourceful nature really is. 

The reality is that starting a fire (before the modern age) was not the easiest of tasks. So instead of having to start from scratch nature decided to give us a break. 

Embers create miniature scale combustion to stay hot with their primary chemical energy stored deep inside their center. Without a strong influx of oxygen the yellow, orange, and red glow loose their thermal energy very slowly and don't ignite into a flame. 

How amazing! If we can keep embers cozy we have a guarantee and an easy way to start a fire a whole half day later.

I know iPhone's are neat but talk about brilliant technology!
